Friday, March 18, 2011

We're Getting You A Puppy!

Dear Huckababy,

Hey my sweet little boy! Your mama and I just went to the doctor again earlier this week and we got to see you again. You're getting so big! You were folded up in kind of an awkward position in your mama's belly. I think maybe you're an acrobat :) Guess what?! Your grandpa's dog Sadie had puppies about a month ago and we're going to get you (and me) one! She is a black lab and we're going to name her Banjo. Your mama picked out the name Banjo because we both like The Avett Brothers and bluegrass. Plus your mama has decided to take up learning how to play the banjo...maybe she'll also take up learning how to play that bass she has :) I love you Brandi! <3 I can't wait to watch you play with her! Shoot...I can't wait to play with her! I never had a dog before! I'm excited!

I love you,

Friday, March 4, 2011

You're A Boy!

Dear Huckababy,

Your mama and I went to see the doctor on February 14th (Valentine's Day) so that they could take a picture of your mama's tummy to find out if you are a little boy or a little girl. I told your mama that it didn't matter to me whether you were a boy or a girl as long as you were healthy, but between the two of us I secretly wanted you to be a little boy :) I know all about little boys, after all I used to be one :) We're going to name you Oliver Quinn Huckaby and call you Ollie for short. You are my son. I get to teach you how to be a man. A good man. My dad is a good example for me and I will be for you. I will be the best daddy you could ever hope for.

I love you,

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tomorrow Is A Big Day!

Dear Huckababy,

Well, it's finally here! Tomorrow is a big day for your mama and me. We get to find out if you're a little boy or a little girl! We've been waiting for this day for so long! We also get to spend our first Valentine's Day together. It's a very fitting day for us to find out what the new love of our life is going to be :) I'm so in love with you and your mama. I never thought my life would turn out this way. Your mama is my best friend. I can't wait to see you grow up and find a love like we have. It makes you feel complete in the best way. You know they say that swans mate for life and sometimes they swim together with their necks entwined in the shape of a heart. Your mama is my swan :)

I love you,

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Dear Huckababy,

Well, little one, you and mama are home sick today. I have bronchitis! Ewwww! It is no fun!! I finally went to the doctor again after I've been coughing my head off for nearly a week. He gave us some medicine (yes, it's safe medicine) so that mommy can get better. Hopefully you will get a better nights rest now without me waking up in a coughing fit every hour! So in appreciation to me, I think you should start kicking me hard enough for me to feel it now. Thanks!

I love you,

Monday, January 17, 2011

Snow, Ice and Heartbeats!

Dear Huckababy,

It's been really exciting around here lately! Last Monday it snowed about 7 inches! We haven't seen snow like that in years and years. Your daddy said not since he was 6, well that's means I would have been 10. Your mama is a puma. :) That's when the excitement stopped. After that, we were stuck in the house for days and days! It was fun at first, but quickly got old! I didn't work all week and your daddy worked from home for a few days. It was really nice getting to spend some extra time with him. i haven't been feeling very well, but your daddy has taken really good care of me. He brought me beautiful flowers and cooks me lunch and dinner. He is going to be such a good daddy to you! We have some good news for you...we ordered your crib! It is so beautiful, you are going to love it! Here it is....

Even more exciting news. I had an appointment with the doctor today and we heard your heartbeat! It sounded so beautiful, until your mama laughed and we lost it! We found it one more time, but it seemed like you sure were moving around a lot in there! We could hear you moving! Oh and if you feel anything funny, it's me poking on my belly trying to make you move. I just want to feel you in there! :) The most exciting news is we will get to find out if you are a boy or a girl on February 14! That's Valentine's Day! What a perfect day to see my new little love! So please cooperate when we look and don't be modest!

I love you,

Sound of Life

Dear Huckababy,

Your mama and I went to see the doctor this morning to check you out and make sure you're doing okay in her belly. I had the privilege of hearing the sweetest melody my ears have heard in 28 years. I got to hear the beat of your heart :) This moment couldn't compare to any other. Your mama and I have seen your heart beating, but there was nothing like hearing you for the first time. I knew you were in your mama's belly, I've even seen you, but there was just something about hearing you that made you even more real and special to me. You should have seen your mama's face when we heard you. I don't think I've ever seen her smile for so long at one time :) Thank you for letting us hear you. I can't wait to hear the sound of your voice when you are born. I have a feeling that it will bring a tear to my eye :)

I love you,


Dear Huckababy,

Your mama and I are still thawing out from a snow storm the likes of which haven't been seen in our area since 1988 (I was 6). It made me think of you and how I can't wait for you to see snow for the first time. I can't wait to see that look of amazement in your eyes :) I'm going to take you sledding and we'll have snowball fights. You and me against your mama in the snowball fight :) She'll make you something called snow cream (I still don't know what it is. So, it'll be a first for us both). Don't worry I won't let your mama bundle you up so tight that you can't move like my mama used to do before we went out in the snow :)

I love you,