Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Avett Brothers - Tonight!!!

Dear Huckababy,

Just wanted to give you a little preview of what you will get to enjoy tonight!!

I love you,

Hello From Your Daddy!!!

Dear Huckababy,

Congratulations! You have been hanging out in your mama's belly for 10 weeks and 1 day today! By the way, I'm your daddy. We just finished Christmas here at the Huckaby house. There were a lot of Christmas "firsts" for your mama and me. It was my first Christmas. It was the first Christmas that your mama and I have spent together. It was also the first white Christmas that both of us have ever seen. It was the first Christmas that you were growing in your mama's belly :) I received a lot of nice gifts this Christmas, but none could compare to the gift of you. I always thought that I would like to be a daddy. I even had dreams about it. I never thought becoming a daddy would ever happen to me. That is until I met your mama. She is an amazing woman. I fell in love with her instantly. We decided to get married and start a family and now I'm writing to you :) I can't wait for you to get here! I'm excited, scared, and nervous all at the same time. I'm going to be the best daddy you could ever hope for. I was made for it. I used to dream about being a daddy in the past. Now you let me dream again :)

Look what else your mama got you for Christmas!

One last thing. Here we are at Christmas. We're your mama and daddy :) Don't we look good? :)

I love you,

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Dear Huckababy,

Merry Christmas! Yes, I know it's a little late. This was your first Christmas in "womb-dom." And surprise, surprise!! It was a WHITE CHRISTMAS!! Isn't it beautiful?!

Who gets Christmas presents before they are even born?
You do, sweet baby! Check out all your goodies!
These are your super cool little "chuck" socks from your Aunt Katie and Uncle Brent!

Your Grandma Tammy got you these awesome little puppy slippers. They're for your "dogs". Ha!

How about a pacifier that makes you look like a little vampire? You got one! Thank your daddy for this!

This Christmas was definitely memorable. My first White Christmas, the first Christmas that your daddy and I have been married and the first Christmas growing you! Next year will be even better because I can hold, smell and laugh with you!!

I love you,

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dear Huckababy

Dear Huckababy,

Wow, there is so much to tell you. I just decided to start writing you today, even though you've been hanging around in my gut for nearly 1o weeks now. According to the internet baby "experts" you are about the size of a strawberry, olive, acorn, large beetle, cotton ball, etc. (I thought being a fetus and all you might need a visual.) We have a couple pictures of you in your various states of "embryo-ness." I'll scan them at your grandmas tomorrow so you can see! Oh and congratulations on your first graduation!! Last week you graduated from an embryo to a fetus! If I could get a little graduation cap to you I would! Maybe I'll take you out to dinner to celebrate when you're old enough to make dinner requests. Oh, by the way, I'm your mama. I've been waiting to have you swimming around inside me my whole life. I've always felt that I was meant to be a mama, so thank you for letting me be yours! I can't wait for you to meet your daddy! He is the most wonderful person I have ever met and he makes your mama so happy. If you are a little girl, you will be so lucky to see a perfect model of what a husband should be like. Pay attention so you will know what to look for in your own husband one day. Don't expect anything less!!! I will write you nearly everyday. I can't wait to meet you in about 30 weeks! Hang in there little baby!!

I love you,